slot 2025
 B N H S

SGNP Bird Monitoring Program announcement


We are happy to announce that Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP), Mumbai (Maharashtra) and BNHS have decided to start a long-term bird monitoring program for the SGNP.

We request you to volunteer in this long-term bird monitoring program. For registering to volunteer please fill the attached Google form; announcement poster and protocol and FAQs document are attached herewith for your kind perusal.

Google form link: -

The first joint Bird Monitoring Program is scheduled on 28th February 2021 at various locations in SGNP. An online orientation and eBird training program will be organized on Saturday 27 February 2021 at 5pm for the volunteers. Each bird monitoring team will consist of 4 members - Forest Department guard, one bird expert, two volunteers of which one will be a BNHS member.

Just one word of caution, all may not be accommodated in the first survey itself. We will try to accommodate as many volunteers in due course of time.