
The BNHS library is one of the oldest and largest libraries in India dedicated to natural history. It is a source of information on various subjects such as wildlife, ecology, zoology, botany and environment conservation. It has a priceless collection of antique books and rare lithographs from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, many not available elsewhere. The library houses valuable photo-negatives and transparencies, particularly those of E.P. Gee, Loke Wan Tho, R.S.P. Bates, M. Krishna and Dr. Sálim Ali, and those generated through various scientific projects of the BNHS.

Library Collection

  • A unique assemblage of books, periodicals, journals, scientific reports and theses from all over the world related to wildlife and environment.
  • More than 24,000 books
  • Nearly 5000 bound volumes of scientific journals,1700 reports and 160 theses.
  • A collection of 2000 rare books dating back to the early 19th century, ranging from the popular to the technical.
  • Photographs, lithographs and transparencies

Library Hours : Monday to Friday: 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Library Services

Apart from catering to the Society’s members, the BNHS library acts as an important information centre to institutions and individuals throughout the country and abroad. Many researchers avail its facilities for in-depth studies:

1. Circulation Service (Library Rules):

    • For a deposit of Rs. 750/-, two books are issued to all eligible members
    • Theses, dissertations, reports, journals, CDs and video cassettes are for reference only
    • Readers should check if a book is intact before borrowing it.
    • No book will be accepted in a damaged condition. The borrower will be asked to replace it.
    • Books will be issued for 30 days and can be renewed once. After the period, late fee of one rupee/day will be levied on the borrowed book
    • To know about replacing a lost book, kindly contact the library.
    • A book is re-issued only if there are no claims.
    • Any misuse of the library or unacceptable behaviour, the borrowing facility will be withdrawn or restricted.
    • Non-members have to pay visitor’s fees of Rs. 50/day/head
    • Members should bring along their membership cards.

2. Photocopy Service:

    • The Library offers photocopying service to all its members and visitors
    • Only single copy of journal articles and 20 pages of the book or one chapter whichever is maximum are provided for private study and research purpose. No cover to cover photocopy is provided.
    • Photocopy charges would be Rs. 2/print

3. Reference Service:

    • Readers may approach the library or write to library” for information or any assistance in using the Library resources.

4. Document Delivery Service

    • The Library also provides photocopies to institutes/individuals by post on payment

5. Awareness Programme

    • The librarian helps new members to familiarize with the library resources and services through a tour of the library. Users can seek assistance in utilizing a particular resource.

6. Books issue by Registered post/courier

BNHS Library is announcing the issue of books by registered post/ courier within India.

Library Deposit: ₹3000/- (Refundable)

One way Delivery Charges: ₹ 4000/- year (Max. 20 books will be issued, two books at a time)

    • Members/Users can request two books at a time, from the books collection. BNHS library catalogue is available at
    • Books will be issued for a period of one month. Once it can be renewed if there is no demand, books will be renewed for one more month.
    • Reference books, out of print books, theses, reports, journals and non-book materials will not be issued.
    • Members are requested to return the books via any local courier service/ Speed post /registered post (Please note that the members will be required to bear the return charges for courier.)
    • Loss of book by the borrower should be reported to the Librarian immediately; the borrower shall either replace the same copy of the book or its latest edition within 15 days or pay the double of current cost of the book’s latest edition.
    • The library reserves the right to refuse the issue of any item from its collection.
    • To avail this facility, members are informed to apply for the same by email: .Do include your BNHS membership details;
    • After verification of the membership, payment details will be sent by the BNHS library. Once the payment is received, this facility can be availed.
    • For borrowing facility, send bibliographic details of the book you are requesting.
    • You will receive a follow-up telephone call/email from the Library to inform you the status of your request and to find out whether we should proceed with delivery arrangements. You will also be given the tracking number of your parcel.
    • Members have to return the books on time.
    • Members are bound by the library rules and conditions as stated on the website

Contact us for any assistance you may need in the library, on

Library Policy

Policy for Offering Gifts or Donations of Books to the BNHS Library

This policy covers the donation of books and other relevant literature to the Library.
BNHS sincerely appreciates the generosity of donors. Donors have played an important role in development of the Library by offering books/literature, may be old or latest, but of significance according to the Vision and Mission of the organization.

In order to streamline the gifts/donation process the following may kindly be noted -

  • The offer may be sent to and along with the list of books/literature.
  • The Librarian will review the list to determine the Library needs. BNHS accepts literature only on wildlife, forest, climate change etc. The books other than this could be given to other organisations for their benefits.
  • The BNHS will provide receipt for the donations.
  • Books accepted by us will be recorded in the accession register as soon as possible. Books may not necessarily be kept in a separate display due to space and other constraints, but will be integrated into the main library/archives.
  • Material accepted by the BNHS library becomes the property of the library The BNHS library reserves the right to: retain / sell / recycle or dispose of books that have been accepted
  • Donors will not receive any goods or service in exchange.

Bombay Natural History Society

Conservation of Rare books

BNHS Library has a collection of rare books on Natural History. Many of these books are still in demand. These valuable resources are indispensable to the present and future generations. However, these rich rare books face a threat of survival due to threats from, several climatic, physical, chemical and biological factors. There is an old saying that "Prevention is better than Cure". The same is applicable for the science of preservation. There are two aspects of preservation; Preventive Conservation and Curative Conservation.

National archives of India, Ministry of culture is supporting BNHS in the Conservation of rare books since 2010. So far 81 books were restored, and in the year 2018-19 another 45 books are being restored.

Preventive conservation of rare books in the BNHS Library:

In BNHS Library, proper care of rare books has been taken right from the beginning as a part of preventive preservation by strictly observing the following steps.

    • Round the clock Air conditioning: The library reference section area admeasuring about 500 sq. feet has been under controlled climatic conditions for last 5 years with the help of three air conditioners that run on a rotational basis for 24 hours.
    • Pest Management Program: There is an annual contract for pest control for general infestation, rodents and termites.
    • Cleaning of library shelves is done on a regular basis using Vacuum cleaner.
    • Smoke detectors have been installed to prevent any damage to library.
    • 5. The collection is frequently monitored for its condition on a continuous basis.

Curative Conservation of rare books in the BNHS Library:

The curative conservation work of rare books is being done by the paper conservation team of “Himalayan Society for Heritage and Art Conservation” under the guidance of Mr Anupam Sah, a well known conservationist. All material and chemicals used by the team were of archival quality and of conservation standard. Temporarily a conservation lab is set up on 2nd floor of Hornbill house.

Process of conservation of books

List of New arrival books

Author Title Year Publisher Pages Classif.No.
Mani, Anita Women in the wild: Stories of India's most brilliant women wildlife biologists 2023 Juggernaut books 271p. 823
Chandan, Pankaj Black-necked crane: General biology, habitat, migration and conservation 2023 Pankan chandan xvi, 197p. 598.31
Anon State of India's birds 2023: Range, trends and conservation status 2023 Atree and BNHS 119p. 598.2(54)
Bhargav, Praveen Wildlife Law for rangers: Step by step charts detection to conviction 2023 Praveen Bhargav xii, 313p. 799
Aiyadurai, Ambika Ecological entanglements: Affect, embodiment and ethics of care 2023 Orient Blackswan xi, 274p. 574.5
Bharadwaj, Spandana Feathered friends around us: Pictorial presentation 2023 Ambika Prakashan 45p. 598.2
Vyas, Sudhir Birds of the Delhi area 2023 Juggernaut books 320p. 598.2(5456)
Ranee, Rama Birds of Anemane: A Farmer's Log 2020 Rama Ranee 165p. 598.2(5487)
Samuel, Godson Panai ezhuga: Travel essays in Palm biology 2023 Thannaram publication 513p. 582.16(5482)
Santhi, S. Kilimozhi 2023 Aitdi edition 255p. 920
Chimpalli, Maruti Nilavanti 2023 Sahitya Prasar Kendra 88p. 823
CSMVS Ancient sculptures 2023 CSMVS 149p. 69
Sarma, N. Ravisankar Management plan of Shimla water catchment wildlife sanctuary 2023 Wildlife division Shimla 259p. 719.32(5452)
Sarma, N. Ravisankar Management plan of Chail wildlife sanctuary 2023 Wildlife division Shimla 297p. 719.32(5452)
Pendharkar, Anand Chimate actioneers' primer: Beginner's toolkit 2023 Fredrich Ebert Stiftung 171p. 551.5
Whitaker, Zai Salim Ali for children: Bird man of India 2023 Hachette India 142p. 920
Rodrigues, Nelson Discover the beautiful mammals of India 2024 Citadel 349p. 599(54)
Alvares, Claude and Basu, Rahul Supreme court and Intergenerational equity: The Goa mining case 2023 Banyan Tree xvii, 315p. 347
Ingole, Vijay T. Discovery of lost: Prehistoric culture 2023 Vijay T. Ingole xii, 116p. 930.12
Chaudhury, Rajesh Wildlife In and around Corbett tiger reserve 2023 Niyogi Books 397p. 799
CSMVS Art Conservation Department Piece by piece: Conservation journey 2023 Sabyasachi Mukherjee 195p. 69
Gogai, Rajib Southern silk route Sikkim and Kalimpong 2024 Botanical Survey of India iv, 595p. 582.13(54167)
Singh, Aman and Singh, J.P. Orans of Thar: A passage to Jaisalmer 2024 Krishi Avam Paristhitiki Vikas Sansthan (KRAPAVIS) iv, 224p. 581.6(544)
Aiyadurai, Ambika More than just footnotes: Field assistants in wildlife research and conservation 2023 Bookwell Publications x, 202p. 823(54163)
Sugoor, R.K. 7th Statewide population estimation of vultures in Gujarat state (2022) 2023 GEER Foundation xvi, 62p. 598.9(5475)
Pittie, Aasheesh Written birds: Birds in book 2 2022 New Ornis Foundation 184p. 598.2
Khandal, Dharmendra Caracal: An intimate history of a mysterious cat 2024 Tiger Watch xii, 339p. 599.74428
SaiPrakash, G. Maharashtra Vyaghra Prakalp, Rashtriy Udyan, Vanyajiv Abhayarnya, Sanvardhan Rakhiv 2022 Pradhan Mukhya Vanrakshak (Vanyajiv) Maharashtra 272p. 719.32(54792)
Yong, Ed. Immense world: How animals senses reveal the hidden realms 2022 Bodley Head 449p. 591.5
Singh, Satyajit; Menon, Ajit Environmental politics at the local 2024 Orient Blackswan xii, 356p. 363.7