Your details

Please tell us how to contact you if you are among the winners. Although no registration is needed. We will send a prize to the first 50 winners. We will also send a prize to 25 wild card entries besides the winners – so that’s 75 prizes.


Dr. Sálim Ali Nature Quiz


The Bombay Natural History Society in association with delhibird Foundation is thrilled to announce an exciting nature quiz. It is in honour of the Birdman of India – Dr. Sálim Ali. Block your calendars for the ‘Dr. Sálim Ali Nature Quiz’ on Sunday, 6th December, 2020 @ 5pm.

The Quiz Master is Bikram Grewal. It is a chance for all you nature lovers to win exciting prizes from ZEISS, DK Books, Sanctuary Asia, WWF, Early Bird, WPSI, VLCC, BNHS and many more. The grand prize is a Spotting Scope sponsored by Wildlife Conservation Trust. The first 50 winners will get a prize where we have fantastic nature books from DK India, BNHS, Sanctuary Asia, Ashima Kumar and Hema Maira, Mugs and Flasks from WWF, Binocular Harness from ZEISS India, Pens from Hindustan Times, pocket guides and flashcards from Early Bird, T-shirts and Caps from WPSI, Wellness products from VLCC, and many more. We also have many wild card entry prizes.

The quiz will be hosted on Zoom and will also be streamed live on Facebook by our partners. You and your entire family can participate in the quiz in real time from Zoom or Facebook. Please log in at sharp 5:00 pm on Sunday, 6th December 2020.

Zoom – Link: You could also join by going to and put in the meeting number 824 8288 1236

Facebook – It will be live streamed on the following Facebook pages: @delhibird – The Indian Bird Network @earlybirdindia @ZEISSNatureIndia @sanctuaryasiapage


Q & A


1) Where do I need to register?

No prior registration is required to participate in the quiz.

2) Is there any entry fee?

The quiz is absolutely free and there is no entry fee of any sort. The quiz is open to all!

3) What age groups is the quiz for?

The quiz is open to everyone for participation. You can have family members participate too. There is no age restriction

4) What all topics does the quiz cover?

The quiz covers various topics on Indian Nature including birds, mammals and reptiles. It will also have a section on Salim Ali.

5) What type of questions will be asked?

The quiz will be multiple choice. Each question will have 4 options, out of which there will be only 1 correct answer

6) What is the scoring system?

Each question is worth 100 points. For each correct answer, the participant can earn up to 100 points. The number of points earned will also depend on how quickly the participant answers. For example, if you answer in 1 second, you will get 100 points but if you answer in 10 seconds, you will only get 50 points.

7) Who will win prizes? What are the prizes?

The top 50 players (based on score) will be eligible to win prizes. The Grand Prize is a Spotting Scope. The other winners will get a prize – including fantastic nature books from DK India, BNHS and Sanctuary Asia, Mugs and Flasks from WWF, Pens from Hindustan Times, Nature books from Early Bird India

8) How do I participate in the quiz?

You could participate in the Quiz in real time from Zoom or from Facebook. You will need to open Zoom or Facebook on your computer and will need to keep your mobile phone with you for the answers.

In case you are unable to use Zoom, the quiz will also be streamed live on the following Facebook pages @delhibirdfoundation @thebnhs @delhibird – The Indian Bird Network @earlybirdindia @ZEISSNatureIndia @sanctuaryasiapage @WildlifeConservationTrust

Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02we824 8288 1236

Zoom Meeting ID: 8152 718 3458

9) What all do I need to participate in the quiz?

You will require a mobile phone or laptop/iPad or any other similar device with an active internet connection. The questions will appear on this device and you will have to give your answers using this device.

Please ensure that you join the Zoom call on time (5pm 6th December, 2020) as it might not be possible for you to join the quiz later.