Tree Walk at Five Gardens, Dadar

Tree Walk at Five Gardens, Dadar

16th February, Sunday

Trees have a special status in Indian culture – they feature in sacred mythology, in folk-tales as well as in day-to-day religious rituals. Take a walk along the bylanes Dadar’s Five Gardens or also famous as the Dadar Parsi Colony for a dive into the floral diversity of the city and touch upon its historic significance.

Grade: Easy (1–2 km of easy walk)

Reporting: In front JB Vachha Girls High School, Dadar at 8:30 a.m. The programme will conclude between 10:30-11 a.m.

Charges: Rs. 700/- for members, Rs. 800/- for others.

Cost includes: : Entry ticket/permission charges (if any) and BNHS expertise only.

Registration & Further queries: : Email us at or call 022-22871202 or +91-9969798447 (Mon-Fri 09:30 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.).

Kindly Send your Details at