
A bouquet of publications helps us to reach out to different readers year after year.
Hornbill: It is a quarterly magazine that brings studies and observations in natural history to the masses. The magazine is circulated free to BNHS members.
The Journal of Bombay Natural History Society (JBNHS): Started in 1886, the journal is being published uninterrupted for over 100 years. JBNHS is now online ( It has become indispensable for students of biology and wildlife conservation. JBNHS had yet another makeover in 2017, with Advanced Online Publication. The website also shifted to ‘responsive web design’ enabling it to be accessed from any device.
Books: BNHS has built up a number of major titles on natural history of India over the years that are marketed worldwide. It has used its fund of scientific expertise to prepare a series of definitive books on birds, mammals, marine life, butterflies and more. Many flagship titles, especially the field guides, continue to enjoy a great shelf life.

Several BNHS titles enjoy great shelf value

  • Bharatatil Pakshi translated by Arun Joshi
  • The Book of Indian Birds by Salim Ali
  • Bharat ke Pakshi translated by Gayatri Ugra
  • BNHS Field Guides Butterflies of India by Isaac Kehimkar
  • Indian Bird Migration Atlas by Dr. Balchandra
  • Field guide to the Sea Slugs of India by Deepak Apte & Digant Desai